Oh, how I've missed this place. So much space here to stretch out and just write. But there has been too much stuff happening on the other end of my keyboard for that! Somewhere, somehow, we've managed get 4 amazing young people through high school and off to the next big adventures of their lives, and they are all doing so incredibly well. At the beginning of the pandemic, I cooked for over 100 days straight and baked a ton of bread and just STAYED HOME like everyone else, but especially enjoyed being in my kitchen. In January this past year, I opened up a little Etsy shop, Rusted Roof Creations , and it just took off like gangbusters. I think it's been the most fun I've ever had. Through it all, my youngest son Austin has been reminding me to get back to my blog, and he's totally right so here it is, my first nearly midnight post all over again. 💗
Beefaroni: A new take on a childhood classic I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but I used to love Chef Boyardee Beefaroni when I was a child. My mother used to split one can between my brothers and I and we would each get a little piece of toast to go along with it. It was so good! Somewhere along the way, I grew up and had children of my own. One afternoon I wanted to recreate for them one of the meals I loved as a child. So, I bought a can of this magic stuff and warmed it slowly in a sauce pan while toasting some bread. I set the table and sat down with my kids to share in this meal from my childhood...and wondered what the hell happened. This was not delicious. In fact, this stuff was awful! And Orange! The noodles had a weird fake texture...and the meat? Just what kind of meat was that , anyway? It didn't taste like beef at all! Needless to say, that was the end of that. But what if it didn't hav...